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Friday 21 June 2024

My Personal Land Acknowledgment

It's June 21, Happy Summer Solstice!  In celebration of National Indigenous Month, and of Indigenous People's Day today, I wanted to share my own personal Land Acknowledgment that I wrote a few weeks ago. 

I acknowledge that I am situated on land that was called Turtle Island and belonged to the Indigenous peoples, who were the first caretakers of this land, before colonialism. I acknowledge that though I am a first generation born in Canada and call this land my home, my family immigrated from South America in hopes of a better life here in North America. I am thankful for the opportunities I am afforded in Canada and I am committed to making things right in our ongoing efforts and work towards reconciliation for the cultural genocide committed in residential schools across Turtle Island by the European colonialism and the Catholic Church. As a faithful and devoted Christian, I am ashamed of what those people did and emphasize that it was wrong and it was not the way of Christianity, those people called themselves Christians but they were not, they were pure evil impersonating Christians. As a descendant of slaves and a son of immigrants, I empathize with the pain and suffering indigenous people have endured and I am dedicated to ensuring nothing like this ever happens again in the future as we move forward towards a nation and world of peace and acceptance of all people. 

Back in September, on Orange Shirt and National Truth & Reconciliation Day, I shared my poem Ghosts From the Past, which you can see here. 

Friday 7 June 2024

2024 OSSTF Lamp of Learning Award

On Thursday May 2, 2024 I received some very exciting news, now I am excited to share that great news with everyone. Today I received the OSSTF Lamp of Learning Award! 
I am so humbled and honoured to be this year's recipient of this prestigious award and be recognized by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation.  The award's presentation ceremony was held this morning in Toronto. It was an honour to meet the OSSTF president and vice-present and be presented with the award by them. 

"The Lamp of Learning Award, a silver replica of the symbolic educational lamp, is presented each spring to a non-member resident of Ontario who has made an outstanding contribution to public education in the Province." 

I am extremely proud to be the 2024 recipient of this incredible honour; out of the thousands of nominations OSSTF received from across Ontario they chose me. Winning this award doesn't mean it's over, my work in education is just beginning. I remain committed and dedicated to all students and schools I work with and to continue fostering and maintaining an equitable, safe and welcoming environment where students can learn and thrive, both in classrooms and in extracurriculars. I remain dedicated to ensuring students have lots of opportunities to engage in educational, exciting and rewarding extracurriculars, sports, clubs and programs. 

Thank you to OSSTF for this amazing recognition, and thank you to the TDSB (Toronto District School Board) for allowing me the opportunity to do all that I have done in various schools over the past 16 years. 

Here is a short video from the OSSTF''s award's ceremony on June 7, 2024.

Wednesday 29 May 2024

Interview with Atmosphere Press!

I recently had an interview with Atmosphere Press to discuss my writing.  I talk a bit about one of my books, a collection of poetry I completed and a couple of years ago and am currently seeking publication for. 

I also share a little about my writing process, what inspires me and my passion for creative writing, and the audiences I write for. 

Check out the interview here: 

Also be sure to check out and support my GoFundMe page, to help with the cost of entry fees for writing competitions. 

Wednesday 15 May 2024

2024 ETFO International Humanitarian Award Non-member recipient!

On Thursday April 18, 2024 I found out some very exciting news. I was informed that I would be receiving this years ETFO Non-member International Humanitarian Award. I received the award on Wednesday May 15, 2024. I am truly honoured and humbled to be the 2024 winner of the Elementary Teachers Federation Ontario International Humanitarian Award! 

"This award may be granted each year to an individual or a group of individuals who do not hold ETFO membership, but have given outstanding service to supporting children in the global community. The recipient shall receive acknowledgement by ETFO and a Certificate of Recognition from the union's president." 

For more information on this award, check out ETFO's website here: 


I will be featured in their Federation's Annual Meeting later in August. This is the media release from ETFO. Visit their website for more:

"The Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (ETFO) has presented its 2024 International Humanitarian Award for a Non-ETFO member to Vickram Bachan. This award is presented annually to an individual or a group of individuals who do not hold ETFO membership but have given outstanding service to supporting children in the global community. 

Bachan, an Educational Assistant with the Toronto District School Board and member of CUPE Local 4400, has enthusiastically implemented several exciting programs to engage and serve students’ needs, as well as the needs of children locally and around the globe. He started the Harry Potter & Fantastic Beasts Fan Club, the Poetry for Hope Writing Club, spearheaded the United for Ukraine Food Drive, ran a poetry book writing project during the pandemic called Planting Seeds of Change, and started the Dobby's Socks and Gloves Drive.

At each of the schools he has worked at, Bachan innovates by setting up one or more programs that particularly benefit the students of that school. The projects either give services and aid, such as clothing and food for Ukrainian refugees and the homeless in Toronto, raise money for organizations like the Lumos Foundation, or spread the values of the Toronto District School Board, including globalism, anti-poverty, anti-racism, peace, education, and sharing with the less fortunate. 

Bachan has a passion for literacy, the curriculum and working in classrooms, and has a way of bringing out the best in his students, helping them find their courage and voices. He is a champion of inclusivity, equity, and supporter of mental health initiatives. His compassion, kindness, and leadership have benefited children locally and worldwide. His ability to inspire a love of learning in students of all backgrounds and abilities is inspirational and admirable." 

Thank you very much to ETFO for this incredible recognition!

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Help Fund my Creative Writing Journey

I hope everyone is safe and well following the exciting once in a lifetime Total Solar Eclipse yesterday.

As you no doubt know by now, there's nothing I love more than filling a blank page with the ink of a pen and creating something brand new that never existed before for the world to read, enjoy, be entertained and inspired. I write poetry, short stories, novels and recently began a course on script-writing. I have been seeking to get published with no success yet, but with hope and determination you will one day see some or all of the books I am working on in stores and on bookshelves soon.

In the meantime however, I am looking to participate in writing competitions, mainly poetry and short story contests. Now the thing about this, is that while some are free to participate in, most of them have an entry fee which can cost from $25 to as much as $50 to participate. While this may not seem like much, for me it adds up a lot over time to participate in all the contest I want to enter. So this is where you come in, with your help and support I can be able to participate in more of these fantastic writing competitions. Remember that no donation is too small, it all adds up. With all of your contributions added together, I will be able to compete.

You can support me with this by visiting and donating to my GoFundMe page and contributing to the campaign! Check it out here at the link below where more information is provided. 

Help Fund Vick's Creative Writing Journey:  

I also have other GoFundMe pages for some other dreams, goals and ambitions of mine. You can read through them for yourself and make donations by clicking these links:

Help Vick Educate the Future Generations (University tuition):  

Help Vick get to Work Safely and On Time (get a car):  

Thank you very much for your kind generosity, time and consideration. Your donations are much appreciated, more than you'll ever know. Your contributions will enable me to get more of my writing out into the wider world and hopefully inspire more people with it. 

Monday 4 December 2023

Published in "The Path" - New collection out now!

Newly released from The Polar Expressions Publishing, just in time for the holidays!  Pick up your copy of The Path, a wonderful new collection of short stories, which features my new short story, Ocean Garbage
A perfect holiday gift for the avid readers in your life! 

My story, Ocean Garbage, is a story of destiny. Some may call it a wild coincidence, some may call it fate, but ultimately the message is abundantly clear, what's meant to be will be.

Read my new short story as well as great short stories from many other excellence Canadian writers. 

Order your copy here now!  

Published in "Flicker" - New book out now!

 Now out from The Polar Expressions Publishing, just in time for the Christmas season!  Pick up your copy of Flicker, a wonderful new collection of poetry, which features my new poem, Marauding of the Turtle.  
The perfect holiday gift for all the avid readers in your life! 

Read my new poem as well as other excellent poetry from many other talented Canadian writers. 

Flicker is available now for purchase. Order your copy here:   

Thursday 2 November 2023

Ontario Volunteer Service Award 2023

This evening I was honoured to once again be a recipient of the Ontario Volunteer Service Award for my 15 years of volunteering in schools and the education community. This 2023 award presentation ceremony was held in downtown Toronto. 

The Ontario Volunteer Service Award recognizes volunteers for providing committed and dedicated service to an organization in the province. All volunteers in Ontario are eligible for this award who have contributed more than five years of volunteer service. 

A number of special guests also came out to help present the awards!  I was honoured to receive my award from NDP MPP Chris Glover as well as two other MPPs. 

Thank you to the great province of Ontario for this recognition. I am honoured to be a 2023 recipient of the Ontario Volunteer Service Award. 

Saturday 30 September 2023

Orange Shirt Day & National Truth and Reconciliation Day

Today is the third annual National Truth and Reconciliation Day and the tenth annual Orange Shirt Day.

For those who may not know, here's a quick rundown. Residential Schools in Canada where meant to take in Indigenous Children of Turtle Island (Canada) and strip them of their heritage and ways of life, ultimately eliminating their culture. In 1973, a young six-year-old girl named Phyllis Webstad entered the St. Joseph Mission Residential School in Williams Lake, British Columbia, she was forced to remove her favourite new orange shirt that her grandmother had bought her, along with everything else. Phyllis is just one unfortunate story and example of over 150,000. Phyllis' story is what inspired Orange Shirt Day. 

There is also the famous story of 12-year-old Chanie Wenjack, among thousands more. See Gord Downie's hit song "Secret Path" here

In honour of today, I wanted to share a poem I wrote a couple years ago. Enjoy!

Ghost from the Past

By Vickram Bachan


An ancient dialect forcefully silenced,

Oppressed and intended to be extinguished;

Believed to have been dead and extinct long ago. 

But amid the crimes of abuse, and violence, and hate,

it endured and thrived back into life,

Back into the open.

Not eradicated but vindicated.

The descendants of an ancient people 

Fighting for their ancestors,

And fighting for justice, 

Wanting to reclaim what was once rightfully theirs,

What was stolen from them;

But also willing to forgive,

If the other side is willing to reconcile.

The truth has been unearthed,

And the bloodstained lies of the past exposed.

Their stories have changed the history books

And made them more accurate.

The fantastical fables of our ‘amazing’ origins

Shoved down our throats 

now proven to be false.

Apologies have been made 

for the genocide and discrimination,

But there is still much work to be done.

Wronged, so very wronged,

Yet they are willing to forgive,

If the other side is willing to reconcile. 

Sunday 24 September 2023

The inequity of Canada's awards system and the Governor General's office

Screenshot from GG's webpage in 2018 which has since been taken down

Before I begin, let me first just say that in no way is this meant to be me whining and complaining, I am simply expressing my complete disappointment with the inequality and discrimination I continue to face. Everything I'm about to say is my opinion based on my experience and observations, I also provide factual evidence to back it up. 

On September 24, 2018, I was awarded to Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers. At the time I was told that I would have to wait up to two years to receive my medal in a presentation ceremony. Every year in April there is a presentation ceremony at Rideau Hall. I asked if I could attend this ceremony to be presented with my medal from the Governor General, after near a year of going back and forth the with Governor General's office on the matter, I received this unbelievably offensive email from the GG's office on July 3, 2019:  

Hi Vickram,

Thank you for your email. I need to inform you that the Governor General only presents to a limited number of SMV recipients each year due to her busy schedule. These recipients are selected based on a variety of factors, such as geographical representation, language, gender, and field of contribution. Therefore it is not likely that you will ever be invited to a presentation ceremony in Ottawa with the Governor General.  

We are currently in communication with the office of the mayor of Toronto to organize a presentation ceremony for all of the SMV recipients who live in Toronto and if the mayor is available to present the SMV to the recipients from Toronto, your name will be added to the invitation list. If you do not wish to receive your medal from the mayor of Toronto, you have 2 options: either you can ask the school where you volunteer to present it to you or we can mail the medal directly to your home. 

I know that it must be disappointing for you to learn that you will not be receiving your medal from the Governor General. However, receiving the medal from the mayor of Toronto is still a special honour and I am sure that it will be a lovely presentation ceremony. As of now, there is no date set for the presentation ceremony with the mayor of Toronto, so I ask for your patience. 

Thank you for understanding,  ...

While I would very much love to share the name of this person, for obvious reasons I will not reveal their identity. 

I had emailed, for what felt like the twentieth time, to ask if I’d be attending the presentation ceremony with the Governor General at Rideau Hall, and in reply I received a very upsetting inappropriate and offensive email as to why I wouldn't be getting my medal from the Governor General, which I’ve copy and pasted above for you to see. I’ve admittedly been really upset about it ever since because it felt very discriminatory. Even though I was upset by this, I then agreed to receive my medal from the Mayor of Toronto, but that never happened either. 
When I last heard from them, it was by email on September 24, 2020 (exactly two years after I was awarded the honour) when I was informed that the pandemic had put a hold on everything involving presentation ceremonies. I was originally told in 2018 when I was awarded the honour that a presentation ceremony would happen up to two years after I was awarded the honour, understandably the pandemic affected this and many other things. But things have gone back to normal now and I keep seeing posts on social media of other people receiving their awards.  As of today, I have been patiently waiting for exactly five full years to receive my medal. Tomorrow is never guaranteed, and it's disappointing that I have been waiting this long to be invited to a presentation ceremony. 

I suppose I shouldn't really be surprised. Just look at this video from the inaugural presentation on April 12, 2016. It's so blatantly obvious that only white people were invited to the ceremony.  That clearly set the precedent because this hasn't changed. 

Also check out this article from 2021 by the CBC about the Order of Canada. It's all from the same Governor General's office that runs the Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers, again I shouldn't be surprised that it's all only white people getting it. 

Last year, on April 29, 2022, I was told by the GG's office that a note was placed on my file to receive my medal at Rideau Hall from the Governor General. But here I am still waiting, five years after I was initially awarded the honour. 

It's been extremely disappointing, I had hope that after a new Governor General was appointed,  especially since it was one that is not white and the first indigenous one, that things would change. Unfortunately that hasn't seemed to be the case. I am extremely disappointed, disgusted and upset, for myself and everyone else who is in the same type of situation and dealing with this inequitable BS. All the diversity and equity promoting is just for show, it obviously doesn't really mean anything, which is very disheartening and increasingly despondent. It's just sad, one would expect better from Canada in 2023. 


UPDATE - October 15, 2023.: 
Just sharing some articles and media videos from the recent news. Clearly it has become common to honour former Nazi members in the Canadian House of Parliament with standing ovations and give them medals than it is to recognize our own hardworking Canadians. Extremely disappointing and upsetting, this country is broken and has lost it's sense of priorities and morals. Our own Canadian citizens are overlooked and taken for granted.  See below. 

Saturday 9 September 2023

Flicker - new poetry collection PRE-ORDER NOW!

Flicker, a brand new collection of poetry by Canadians from the Polar Expressions Publishing is now available for pre-order. I am excited to announce that my new poem, Marauding of the Turtle will be featured in this amazing book. 

This collection will be released and shipped in December, just in time for the holiday season.  Pre-order your copy now exclusively from The Polar Expressions Publishing!

Order your copies now: