I hope you all liked that poem, "I Am Who I Am" I feel it's something every human being can relate to. Everybody is criticized for something. No one is perfect, people come in all shapes and sizes. We are all smart in different ways, and we each have different and/or similar strengths. I've had to deal with people who will ignore all your good qualities and strengths and just focus on the weak ones. People need to stop trying to change everyone else into what they want them to be.
You shouldn't mess with the flow of things, never change something that works. Sure it's good to try different things and have new experiences, but you should never have change for the sake of having change! It's not always good to mess with the status quo.
If a person is comfortable, why does everyone else have to make them uncomfortable? There are lines no one should ever cross; sure it's great to want to get involved and help people out, but at some point and to a certain extent people need to know when to back off and mind their own business. Don't invade other peoples lives and try to change them. Some people are loud, some are quite; some people are tall, some are short; some people are fat, some are skinny; some people have long hair and some have short hair. And of course there are some things we cannot change even if we wanted to, some people are black, and some are white etc...
Everyone likes different things, and every individual finds solace in their own way; I don't know why people like to get on others' cases for these things. People seriously need to leave each other alone sometimes! Another thing is that people learn and do things at their own paces, it's never good to push people too much, because you end up pushing them too far, and the results can be terrible sometimes. Treat others the way you would want to be treated, because what goes around comes around. If a person is happy in one spot for their whole entire life, don't push them to another, if they want to leave their comfort zone(s) it should be their decision and not your, it's none of your business to be butting in.
I've always hated people that are bullies, especially the ones in a position of authority that enjoy and love to abuse their power. Never let bullies have an effect on you, it can only be negative, don't listen to them and don't ever let them change what you think about yourself. Every single bully turns out to be a coward and a hypocrite. So ignore people who are bullies; and for the love of God please don't be a bully yourself!
Other people can't know or decide what is best for you, and they shouldn't. Only you should decide and can know what is best for you. We need to know what is best for ourselves and stop worrying about other people. If people don't mind your business and get into your personal life, don't mind or get into theirs without their permission.
You know, if you can do something that would make someone else's day, week, month, year, or even their life easier and more convenient, you should do it, especially if it doesn't cost you anything.
There is too much negativity in the world, some people need to try being more positive and stop making other peoples lives miserable; because when you die every single thing is left behind, our awesome resumes, our collections, our clothes, our savings, houses, cars, everything. Everything except our deeds, both good and bad. The only thing we take with us is what we've done in life and this world; and if you were a selfish jerk just trying to control everyone and everything and always wanting everything to be your own way, and treating other people like garbage, then the only thing that will be remembered of you is your idiotic negativity. We should live life to it's fullest and do things that we enjoy and make us happy (as long as it's legal), and allow everyone else to do the same, because when it's gone, it's gone. We only live once!
No matter who you are, or who you think you are, this is what I have to say. Don't be biased, don't show favouritism, don't be disrespectful, don't be racist, don't discriminate; and you will end up in Heaven and not the other place. Always be honest, honesty is the best quality, the truth shall always set you free. You can lie if you want, but it won't help you for long, because the truth always comes out in the end. Show equality, fairness, and peace. Every human being should be treated equally, that's what democracy is for. Canada is a free country, as citizens we are entitled to freedom of speech and expression. If what someone says does not hurt you, or if what they are saying is the truth, then you have absolutely no right to shut them up or to tell them to. We're allowed to voice our opinions and concerns (like I am doing right now).
My point is, not everyone can be perfect at everything. There is no such thing as the perfect human being. I hate when people tell other people you need to work on this and you need to work on that, not everyone can have or be perfect in every skill. Forcing people to change or do things they don't want to or are not ready to do won't make them feel better or happier, and it certainly won't make you feel any better or happier. We are all entitled to freedom and we should allow one another to have it!
So to all you critics, haters, and changers out there, GET OVER YOURSELVES!!!!