In November 2010 someone suggested that I write a Valentines themed poem. I've never really liked the idea if writing about that theme nor do I even care for the holiday (if you can call it a holiday, since we don't get the day off), but in the end I decided to try it. I think this was one of the best ones I came up with, I wrote it somewhere between late 2012 and early 2013. I've also recently received a few requests for a Valentines themed poem, I wasn't sure if I wanted to post one, but here it is by popular demand. Enjoy!
My Hearts Secret Desire
By: Vickram Bachan
Special people like you are hard to find,
I wrote this poem with you in mind.
If only you knew how I felt, but you haven't a clue,
I love you, but do you love me too?
I love you because you're so beautiful and kind,
To not love you, I would have to be blind.
You hardly know I exist and I don't know what to do,
I just want you to love me the way I love you.
You are my one and only hearts desire,
With lots of love, from your secret admire.