One year ago in December 2013, two books were released by The Polar Expressions Publishing.
(Images courtesy of Polar Expressions)
One of them is a collection of poetry called, "Before the Frost" and I am extremely proud to say that my poem, "Equality-Democracy-Peace" was one of few chosen to be published in this book along with other Canadian writers! The poem was inspired by another poem I wrote a couple of years ago.
The other book is a collection of short stories called "The Sun Shall Rise" and I am incredibly proud to say that my short story, "The Stranger who Saved the Day" was one of few chosen to be published in this book along with other Canadian writers!
Both of these books were released last year and are still available exclusively from The Polar Expressions! They can be found and purchased exclusivley from here:
But only a limited quantity will ever be printed, so if you want to own them, get them while you can, because no one knows how long they'll last, and once they're gone, they're gone.