It's almost time! We are exactly just two hours away now! My first poem of 2016 will be posted at midnight. I hope you will like this new New Years themed poem!
It's called, "A New Beginning", and I just wrote it today.
Only 160 minutes to go! 2015 is just about over.
ABOUT VICK: Vickram Bachan is a Canadian author. Creative writing is one of his specialties, and one of the things he loves to do most! Vick loves to fill a blank page with a pen and creating something that never existed before; he only hopes people will love and have as much fun reading his work as he did writing it! Here you will enjoy some of his amazing poetry, along with information and stories on his other writing projects! Enjoy!
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Thursday, 31 December 2015
Happy New Year eve!
Well, 2016 is just a couple of hours away now. I hope everyone has had a nice New Years eve today, and a nice year. 2015 is just about over; I hope 2015 was good to you and I hope 2016 will be even better!
Earlier today I posted a poem titled "Old Years Day", in celebration of New Years eve. There will be another poem to celebrate the New Year and ring in 2016. This new New Years poem will be posted at 12:00am tonight and will be the first poem I post for 2016.
Earlier today I posted a poem titled "Old Years Day", in celebration of New Years eve. There will be another poem to celebrate the New Year and ring in 2016. This new New Years poem will be posted at 12:00am tonight and will be the first poem I post for 2016.
"Old Years Day" poem, Happy New Years eve!
Hope everyone is having a nice New Years eve! Here is a poem I wrote today in celebration of New Years eve, it's called "Old Years Day". Enjoy!
Old Years Day
By: Vickram Bachan
And so, another year has passed us by,
Will everyone keep their resolutions? I'm sure they'll try.
While another year is gone, it is not dead,
The memories made will remain in our heads.
Old memories will be cherished and stay in our hearts,
While new memories are ahead as the New year starts.
Christmas was just less than a week ago,
New years day comes, with fireworks bright as snow.
Tomorrow is New Years day, and the dawn of a new year,
Let us hope and pray it will be filled with cheer.
Saturday, 26 December 2015
"Holiday Aftermath" Boxing Day poem
Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas yesterday! I just came up with this brand new poem today. I was going to save it until next years Boxing Day to post and share because I shared one with this theme already for today/this year. But, as I mentioned before, December 26, 2016 is a full twelve months away, and I just wanted to share it now. So, here it is! Enjoy!
Holiday Aftermath
By: Vickram Bachan
It's the day after Christmas
and all around the world,
Boxing day sales are happening
and ribbons are uncurled.
Stores are having sales
and everywhere is getting busy,
While lights still burn bright
on every Christmas tree.
Everyone enjoys their new presents;
the now unwrapped gifts they got the night before,
Some stay home, enjoying the holiday
while others rush to stores.
As the Christmas season
comes to a close,
We look at the decorations
before everything goes.
We look at them one last time
as everything glows,
Seeing the care that put them up
all the time and effort shows.
We look at them one last time
as everything glows,
Seeing the care that put them up
all the time and effort shows.
Soon everything will be taken down
until next year,
Before we know it, twelve months will go by
and the Holidays will once again be here
As the new year approaches
just one week away,
We look forward to one more
celebration to end the holidays.
"The Day After Christmas" poem, Happy Boxing Day!
Happy Boxing Day everyone! I hope you've all had a safe and restful day.
Originally the final poem I was going to post for this year was the Christmas one I posted yesterday, "Christmas Morning". But, sometimes plans change. I thought since we are still a week away from the new year, and there's really no point or reason making you all wait till 2016 for more of my poetry. We still have time for a bit more. So, surprise! Here is a new poem for you all to enjoy!
Originally the final poem I was going to post for this year was the Christmas one I posted yesterday, "Christmas Morning". But, sometimes plans change. I thought since we are still a week away from the new year, and there's really no point or reason making you all wait till 2016 for more of my poetry. We still have time for a bit more. So, surprise! Here is a new poem for you all to enjoy!
The Day After Christmas
By: Vickram Bachan
T'was the day after Christmas, and all through the country,
Boxing day sales were happening and lines were getting pushy.
Items were sold at low prices,
From toys and clothes, to electronic devices.
People awake happily, thinking of the night before,
Some energetic, others a bit hung-over.
People continue the party, and celebrate the holidays,
while the snow continues to fall as always.
As everyone prepares to wrap-up the holiday season,
They celebrate a bit more, without any reason.
I wrote this poem back in the summer of 2012. Unfortunately we didn't get a white Christmas this year, in fact we hardly got any cold weather in December at all this year. I also have another Boxing Day poem that I just came up with today; I was going to save it until next years Boxing Day, but December 26, 2016 is literally and exactly a whole full year away, and I just want to share it now. So, I'll be posting it a little later. It's called, "Holiday Aftermath" check back in an hour or so, it'll be posted soon!
I wrote this poem back in the summer of 2012. Unfortunately we didn't get a white Christmas this year, in fact we hardly got any cold weather in December at all this year. I also have another Boxing Day poem that I just came up with today; I was going to save it until next years Boxing Day, but December 26, 2016 is literally and exactly a whole full year away, and I just want to share it now. So, I'll be posting it a little later. It's called, "Holiday Aftermath" check back in an hour or so, it'll be posted soon!
Friday, 25 December 2015
"Christmas Morning" poem, Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone has had a wonderful and blessed Holiday season, and I hope the magic of Christmas finds you all well!
I hope 2015 has been a great year for everyone and I hope 2016 will be an even better one! I also hope that you have enjoyed all the poems I've posted this year, there's lots more to come next year!
So, to end the year and to celebrate the Holidays, here is a new Christmas poem; it is also the last poem I'll be posting for 2015. Merry Christmas everyone!!!
T'was Christmas morning
when I awoke from my sleep,
I rose from my bed,
and down the stairs I began to creep.
Dreaming of Santa Claus
the night before,
Knowing that he'd come
but wouldn't use the door.
Presents were wrapped
and placed under the tree on the floor,
While wreaths were hung
on the center of the door.
The cookies and milk were gone
that I left on Christmas eve night,
As the snow began to fall
all bright shiny and white.
While the snow fell
with no end in sight,
I enjoyed the white Christmas
with delight.
Feeling happy and blessed
to be home on this day,
Celebrating the birthday
of the Man to whom we pray.
I hope you all liked this poem; it was actually written back in March. To be exact, I wrote it back on Saturday March 21 2015 at 4:52am when I couldn't sleep and had nothing else to do. I have been saving it since then and keeping it quiet, eagerly waiting for this day to share it with all of you!
I hope 2015 has been a great year for everyone and I hope 2016 will be an even better one! I also hope that you have enjoyed all the poems I've posted this year, there's lots more to come next year!
So, to end the year and to celebrate the Holidays, here is a new Christmas poem; it is also the last poem I'll be posting for 2015. Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Christmas Morning
By: Vickram Bachan
T'was Christmas morning
when I awoke from my sleep,
I rose from my bed,
and down the stairs I began to creep.
Dreaming of Santa Claus
the night before,
Knowing that he'd come
but wouldn't use the door.
Presents were wrapped
and placed under the tree on the floor,
While wreaths were hung
on the center of the door.
The cookies and milk were gone
that I left on Christmas eve night,
As the snow began to fall
all bright shiny and white.
While the snow fell
with no end in sight,
I enjoyed the white Christmas
with delight.
Feeling happy and blessed
to be home on this day,
Celebrating the birthday
of the Man to whom we pray.
I hope you all liked this poem; it was actually written back in March. To be exact, I wrote it back on Saturday March 21 2015 at 4:52am when I couldn't sleep and had nothing else to do. I have been saving it since then and keeping it quiet, eagerly waiting for this day to share it with all of you!
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
NEW Christmas poem coming soon!
I have a brand new Christmas poem for you all coming soon! It will be posted either on Christmas eve this coming Thursday, or on Christmas day this coming Friday. Either way, check back for a new Christmas poem!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful and joyous Holiday season!
Seasons Greetings!!!!
Friday, 4 December 2015
"Wherever We Roam" NOW AVAILABLE!

This book features my story, "Bring Your Pet to School Day".
"Wherever We Roam" is a wonderful collection of short stories written by Canadians from all around the country. The book was officially released on November 25, 2015. I just received my copies today, they're great!
This book would make a great gift for a loved one or for yourself for the Holidays! Curl up with a cup of hot chocolate in front of a warm toasty fire and read for hours to your hearts content! It's Christmas time, be cozy and enjoy yourself!
You can order yours here:
Monday, 30 November 2015
November has been a very busy and eventful month, which in this case is both good and bad.
November is usually the beginning of the Holiday season, decorations are set up, sales happen at stores, everyone starts doing their Christmas shopping, etc...
But this year, just a couple of days after Remembrance Day, something terrible happened; and that terrible thing inspired this new poem.
November is usually the beginning of the Holiday season, decorations are set up, sales happen at stores, everyone starts doing their Christmas shopping, etc...
But this year, just a couple of days after Remembrance Day, something terrible happened; and that terrible thing inspired this new poem.
--- Poem will be posted here soon! ---
Sunday, 22 November 2015
2015 Bullying Awareness Week
November 16 to 22 is bullying awareness week.
There will be a poem coming a little later, but first I want to talk and share about bullying and it's negative affect on the world.
Not only as a victim, but also someone who hates it, I am all about anti-bullying. When I was in school I was bullied. People would always make fun of and laugh at me.
In elementary school there were other kids who were always mean for no reason and would pick and start fights with me. It's true what they say, "Kids can be very cruel." They often preyed on my weaknesses.
Even in high school I was bullied, not only by fellow students and classmates, but by teachers and staff as well. Which was the inspiration behind my poem I Am Who I Am which I posted this year on Black History Month back in February, and has been published twice in collections.
I was often attacked for the way I looked, the way I dressed, the food I ate and drank for lunch, the classes and courses I took, the fandoms I loved, and even my personality.
A bully is not necessarily someone who hits you (which would be physical bullying). A bully is also someone who attacks you in a negative way physically, verbally, and/or electronically (cyber bullying) to hurt you. Anyone who hurts you physically, emotionally, or in any other way is a considered a bully. You seen, a bully is someone who uses power and intimidation over you.
The sad truth is that bullying doesn't just happen to children and teenagers, it also happens in the adult world all the time too. I've seen grown men and women get bullied, but the difference is they know how to handle it better.
Don't ever let people hurt you in any way. We are all the same with differences, we are all unique individuals and special in our own way. Bullying usually comes from jealousy and envy, and at the end of the day all bullies are cowards.
Don't listen to anything negative that others have to say about you or the people you care about, don't change anything about yourself to please anyone else. You are who you are, so keep being yourself and be proud of yourself! Don't let criticism have an effect on what you say or do, and don't let it affect the way you think of yourself. Stand up to bullying, and rise above the hate!
This part is especially for kids all around the world: Do not be afraid to walk away from a fight. You don't need to fight someone if you don't want to; except in a case of self-defence. You should never have to do anything you don't want to do; don't let people force you against your will.
If you need to talk to someone, do it. Find someone who you can trust and you know cares about you, and they will listen. There is always someone out there who will listen to you.
Never feel alone or unwanted, you belong to this world as much as anyone else does. You matter, and you were put on this earth for a reason, and don't you ever forget that.
There will be a poem coming a little later, but first I want to talk and share about bullying and it's negative affect on the world.
Not only as a victim, but also someone who hates it, I am all about anti-bullying. When I was in school I was bullied. People would always make fun of and laugh at me.
In elementary school there were other kids who were always mean for no reason and would pick and start fights with me. It's true what they say, "Kids can be very cruel." They often preyed on my weaknesses.
Even in high school I was bullied, not only by fellow students and classmates, but by teachers and staff as well. Which was the inspiration behind my poem I Am Who I Am which I posted this year on Black History Month back in February, and has been published twice in collections.
I was often attacked for the way I looked, the way I dressed, the food I ate and drank for lunch, the classes and courses I took, the fandoms I loved, and even my personality.
A bully is not necessarily someone who hits you (which would be physical bullying). A bully is also someone who attacks you in a negative way physically, verbally, and/or electronically (cyber bullying) to hurt you. Anyone who hurts you physically, emotionally, or in any other way is a considered a bully. You seen, a bully is someone who uses power and intimidation over you.
The sad truth is that bullying doesn't just happen to children and teenagers, it also happens in the adult world all the time too. I've seen grown men and women get bullied, but the difference is they know how to handle it better.
Don't ever let people hurt you in any way. We are all the same with differences, we are all unique individuals and special in our own way. Bullying usually comes from jealousy and envy, and at the end of the day all bullies are cowards.
Don't listen to anything negative that others have to say about you or the people you care about, don't change anything about yourself to please anyone else. You are who you are, so keep being yourself and be proud of yourself! Don't let criticism have an effect on what you say or do, and don't let it affect the way you think of yourself. Stand up to bullying, and rise above the hate!
This part is especially for kids all around the world: Do not be afraid to walk away from a fight. You don't need to fight someone if you don't want to; except in a case of self-defence. You should never have to do anything you don't want to do; don't let people force you against your will.
If you need to talk to someone, do it. Find someone who you can trust and you know cares about you, and they will listen. There is always someone out there who will listen to you.
Never feel alone or unwanted, you belong to this world as much as anyone else does. You matter, and you were put on this earth for a reason, and don't you ever forget that.
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
The importance of literature, 14 years since first "Harry Potter" movie, my journey through reading and writing
Yesterday was a pretty big day... well for me anyway; but for many others too, I'm sure.
I meant to post and share this story yesterday, but I was busy and didn't get around to it, sorry for the bit of lateness! But I suppose a one day delay is better than not posting it at all, or worse, a two day delay. (I know, I need to sort out my priorities). Anyway, what I'm about to share with you is quite important to me, and you'll see why as you read on.
Yesterday we celebrated the 14th anniversary of the first "Harry Potter" movie!
It was on this day (November 16, 2001) 14 years ago when the magic and an incredible journey began! As "Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone" [Sorcerers Stone] saw its theatrical release, I had just settled into the second grade.
Back then I could not read very well at all, I hated reading and I didn't like it when people told me reading was good for me. I especially hated when people tried to force me to read. I think I hated reading mostly because I wasn't very good at it. Even though I couldn't read all that well back then, I'd always liked writing and wanted to write even then, but of course my spelling was terrible.
"Harry Potter" has made a big difference and had a huge impact on my life. It all started when I was in grade 2. Back in September 2001, prior to the highly anticipated release of the first "Harry Potter" movie, my teacher was reading the book to my class.
"Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone" was first published and released in the UK in 1997, so it was still fairly new when my teacher was reading it to my class. The second and third books were even more relatively new, and the fourth book had just been released in 2000.
For those who don't know, the "Harry Potter" series has seven amazing books, written by the amazing author J.K.Rowling; which are re-released every few years with brand new covers in both hardcover and paperback.
1. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone
2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Anyway, as I was saying, my teacher was reading the first book to my class just as the first movie was coming out. Once I got a taste of Harry Potter, I began to want to read the books. I asked my mom to get me the books which she did without hesitation, she bought me the box set with the first four books, which is how the box set was available at the time. A few months after November when "Philosopher's Stone" was released on VHS my mom also bought me that, and my teacher had finished reading the book to my class and had moved on to other stories.
But I was still hooked on Harry Potter, I'd really liked it. I wanted to know more about the story. What happens next? The second movie was a year away from release, and I just couldn't wait that long, so I began to read the books and in the process started becoming a much better reader.
Fast-forward to November 15, 2002 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets opened in theaters.
TO BE CONTINUED... Stay tuned for the rest of this very interesting story!
I meant to post and share this story yesterday, but I was busy and didn't get around to it, sorry for the bit of lateness! But I suppose a one day delay is better than not posting it at all, or worse, a two day delay. (I know, I need to sort out my priorities). Anyway, what I'm about to share with you is quite important to me, and you'll see why as you read on.
Yesterday we celebrated the 14th anniversary of the first "Harry Potter" movie!
It was on this day (November 16, 2001) 14 years ago when the magic and an incredible journey began! As "Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone" [Sorcerers Stone] saw its theatrical release, I had just settled into the second grade.
Back then I could not read very well at all, I hated reading and I didn't like it when people told me reading was good for me. I especially hated when people tried to force me to read. I think I hated reading mostly because I wasn't very good at it. Even though I couldn't read all that well back then, I'd always liked writing and wanted to write even then, but of course my spelling was terrible.
"Harry Potter" has made a big difference and had a huge impact on my life. It all started when I was in grade 2. Back in September 2001, prior to the highly anticipated release of the first "Harry Potter" movie, my teacher was reading the book to my class.
"Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone" was first published and released in the UK in 1997, so it was still fairly new when my teacher was reading it to my class. The second and third books were even more relatively new, and the fourth book had just been released in 2000.
For those who don't know, the "Harry Potter" series has seven amazing books, written by the amazing author J.K.Rowling; which are re-released every few years with brand new covers in both hardcover and paperback.
1. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone
2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Anyway, as I was saying, my teacher was reading the first book to my class just as the first movie was coming out. Once I got a taste of Harry Potter, I began to want to read the books. I asked my mom to get me the books which she did without hesitation, she bought me the box set with the first four books, which is how the box set was available at the time. A few months after November when "Philosopher's Stone" was released on VHS my mom also bought me that, and my teacher had finished reading the book to my class and had moved on to other stories.
But I was still hooked on Harry Potter, I'd really liked it. I wanted to know more about the story. What happens next? The second movie was a year away from release, and I just couldn't wait that long, so I began to read the books and in the process started becoming a much better reader.
Fast-forward to November 15, 2002 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets opened in theaters.
TO BE CONTINUED... Stay tuned for the rest of this very interesting story!
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
"A Noble Death" poem - Remembrance Day
A Noble Death
By: Vickram Bachan
We are killed one by one,Some by bomb and some by gun.
This is war.
For a man who has lived an adventurous life,
All it is now is pain and strife.
Freedom and peace are what we're fighting for.
Many of our bodies now lay in Flanders Fields,
Some are carried and some are wheeled.
This is war.
We die for you with sacrifice and pain,
And now we hope it is not all in vain.
Freedom and peace are what we're fighting for.
The living are covered in dirt and lice,
While the dead are eaten by rats and mice.
This is war.
The food here is stale it has no flavour or spice,
We miss our homes and good tasting rice.
Freedom and peace are what we're fighting for.
At home you grin and laugh with joy,
Here we are killed, and thrown aside like an old toy.
This is war.
Sometimes we must fight for what is right,
With a cause so great, we must fight with all out might.
Freedom and peace are what we're fighting for.
We long to get out of these trenches that smell,
But sometimes getting to Heaven, means going through hell.
This is war.
November 1918 the war is done,
Soldiers are happy to see the sun.
This is peace.
Recounting the lives that were taken away,
The thousands the war took, a devastating price to pay.
It is important to reflect.
We faced death in the hope that Canada would one day be a place of freedom and peace.
We won, but at what cost?
Let's hope war doesn't happen again!
Remembrance Day 2015 - Celebrating and Remembering their sacrifices
We're just a few short hours away now! Later tonight, at 11:00pm sharp, I will be posting my poem "A Noble Death" for your viewing and reading pleasures. Five years after it was written, this poem will finally make it's official online and public debut.
Today, as we celebrate and commemorate Remembrance Day 2015, and Canada is currently celebrating its 148th birthday, and as we celebrate 100 years since the famous poem "In Flanders Fields" was written by John McCrae; we take time to pay tribute, remember, pray, and think about all the sacrifices made so that we could be alive and enjoy the freedoms and everything we have today. Freedom we sometimes take for granted, and freedom that some don't appreciate.
So, to all the Canadian military; veterans past present and future, thank you for everything you do for us and for this great country. To soldiers who have passed on, and to the ones that are still alive today, we appreciate you and all that you've done for us. You will never be forgotten. "Lest We Forget."
Remembrance Day ceremonies were held all across Canada, and across the world.
Today I was proud to be part of a special Remembrance Day assembly, which clearly had a lot of time hard work and effort put into it. This morning was wonderful and, I even got to meet someone special!
Today, as we celebrate and commemorate Remembrance Day 2015, and Canada is currently celebrating its 148th birthday, and as we celebrate 100 years since the famous poem "In Flanders Fields" was written by John McCrae; we take time to pay tribute, remember, pray, and think about all the sacrifices made so that we could be alive and enjoy the freedoms and everything we have today. Freedom we sometimes take for granted, and freedom that some don't appreciate.
So, to all the Canadian military; veterans past present and future, thank you for everything you do for us and for this great country. To soldiers who have passed on, and to the ones that are still alive today, we appreciate you and all that you've done for us. You will never be forgotten. "Lest We Forget."
Remembrance Day ceremonies were held all across Canada, and across the world.
Today I was proud to be part of a special Remembrance Day assembly, which clearly had a lot of time hard work and effort put into it. This morning was wonderful and, I even got to meet someone special!
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Vick with Captain Trevor Smith, son of a World War II veteran at a Remembrance Day assembly. Wednesday November 11, 2015. 11:30am |
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Vick with Captain Trevor Smith, son of a World War II veteran, at a Remembrance Day ceremony. Wednesday November 11, 2015. 11:30am |
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
"A Noble Death" the story behind the poem
Remembrance Day is tomorrow, and coming with it is my poem "A Noble Death", which is making it's public debut and will be available for the world to read for the first time ever!
"A Noble Death" focuses on World War I, and is written from the perspective of the Canadian soldiers. It speaks to, pays tribute, and acknowledges the sacrifices made for the freedoms we enjoy, take for granted, and sometimes don't appreciate today. The story of how this poem came to be and it's journey since then is an interesting one to say the least.
It began five years ago. It was in spring of 2010 when I first wrote "A Noble Death". I was having trouble sleeping and started thinking about everything I knew and had learnt in school and other places about war and Canadian history, and about how terrible it [war] is. Ideas for this poem began to formulate in my head, so I sat up, grabbed the notepad pencil and flashlight I keep on my bedside table for just such occasions, and started scribbling lines down.
I eventually fell asleep, and when I awoke the next day I wrote a rough draft. A couple of days later, after I did some editing and made a few final touch-ups, I typed out a final copy, and that is the poem you all enjoy today. But it doesn't end there, oh no.
A few days before I actually wrote or got the idea for this poem, everyone in my grade 10 history class was given an assignment to do either a poster or a poem which focuses on WWI. I ended up submitting this poem which earned top marks; and it went on to be read at the schools Remembrance Day assemblies three years in a row.
I wanted to get some more honest feedback on it, so in September the following school-year, I showed it to my grade 11 math teacher who loved it, and he loved it so much that he always encouraged me to keep writing and to never stop. It was in this school-year that my poem was first read at the school's annual Remembrance Day assembly in November 2010.
A few years later in November 2012, I submitted my poem "A Noble Death" to a contest hosted by The Royal Canadian Legion. It went on to win second place in that contest!
I was awarded the second place prize on Sunday March 3, 2013 at a Royal Canadian Legion branch in Toronto at the annual award ceremony!
"A Noble Death" focuses on World War I, and is written from the perspective of the Canadian soldiers. It speaks to, pays tribute, and acknowledges the sacrifices made for the freedoms we enjoy, take for granted, and sometimes don't appreciate today. The story of how this poem came to be and it's journey since then is an interesting one to say the least.
It began five years ago. It was in spring of 2010 when I first wrote "A Noble Death". I was having trouble sleeping and started thinking about everything I knew and had learnt in school and other places about war and Canadian history, and about how terrible it [war] is. Ideas for this poem began to formulate in my head, so I sat up, grabbed the notepad pencil and flashlight I keep on my bedside table for just such occasions, and started scribbling lines down.
I eventually fell asleep, and when I awoke the next day I wrote a rough draft. A couple of days later, after I did some editing and made a few final touch-ups, I typed out a final copy, and that is the poem you all enjoy today. But it doesn't end there, oh no.
A few days before I actually wrote or got the idea for this poem, everyone in my grade 10 history class was given an assignment to do either a poster or a poem which focuses on WWI. I ended up submitting this poem which earned top marks; and it went on to be read at the schools Remembrance Day assemblies three years in a row.
I wanted to get some more honest feedback on it, so in September the following school-year, I showed it to my grade 11 math teacher who loved it, and he loved it so much that he always encouraged me to keep writing and to never stop. It was in this school-year that my poem was first read at the school's annual Remembrance Day assembly in November 2010.
A few years later in November 2012, I submitted my poem "A Noble Death" to a contest hosted by The Royal Canadian Legion. It went on to win second place in that contest!
I was awarded the second place prize on Sunday March 3, 2013 at a Royal Canadian Legion branch in Toronto at the annual award ceremony!
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Vickram Bachan receives award from Mr. John Holloway of The Royal Canadian Legion |
Sunday, 1 November 2015
Coming soon: "A Noble Death" poem - Remembrance Day 2015
Well, it's November 1st, which means there is just ten more days to go until Canada's annual Remembrance Day celebrations and the public debut of my famous poem "A Noble Death". I can't wait to share this poem with the world. Many have seen this poem before ever since I wrote it back in 2010, but this will be the first time it will appear here on my blog and seen publicly by the world!
So keep an eye out for it here on Wednesday November 11, 2015.
As I will be busy at 11:00am being present at a Remembrance Day assembly, I will be posting the poem at 11:00pm sharp.
Also, I will be posting an interesting backstory about the writing and the journey of a "A Noble Death" since it's creation in 2010 right up to today! So keep an eye out for that backstory, it'll be posted here before Remembrance Day.
So keep an eye out for it here on Wednesday November 11, 2015.
As I will be busy at 11:00am being present at a Remembrance Day assembly, I will be posting the poem at 11:00pm sharp.
Also, I will be posting an interesting backstory about the writing and the journey of a "A Noble Death" since it's creation in 2010 right up to today! So keep an eye out for that backstory, it'll be posted here before Remembrance Day.
Saturday, 31 October 2015
About "Halloween Night" poem
I hope everybody enjoyed the new poem I posted earlier today called, "Halloween Night" and I hope everyone who celebrates has had a safe and happy Halloween.
While this poem, "Halloween Night" might be new to all of you, it is actually a few years old.
I wrote this poem in 2012, and today I thought it was time to share it. I hope everyone liked it.
Have fun tonight, stay out of trouble or try not to get into too much of it at least, and don't eat too much candy. Happy Halloween!
While this poem, "Halloween Night" might be new to all of you, it is actually a few years old.
I wrote this poem in 2012, and today I thought it was time to share it. I hope everyone liked it.
Have fun tonight, stay out of trouble or try not to get into too much of it at least, and don't eat too much candy. Happy Halloween!
"Halloween Night" poem
Happy Halloween everyone!
The spirits of dead ones rise and cry.
Pumpkins are carved and placed outside,
While children in costumes run and hide.
We say "trick or treat",
Expecting something sweet to eat.
As the ghosts roam spooking everyone,
Kids run around having lots of fun.
Houses look haunted with countless decorations,
As witches stir cauldrons concocting potions.
Vampires change themselves into bats,
As everyone avoids those tabby black cats.
Monsters come out from under the bed and the closets,
Synonymous with mummies as they leave their caskets.
Vampires and Werewolves bring us all fright,
Have a Happy Halloween, if you dare come out at night.
Halloween Night
By: Vickram Bachan
On this night the witches fly,The spirits of dead ones rise and cry.
Pumpkins are carved and placed outside,
While children in costumes run and hide.
We say "trick or treat",
Expecting something sweet to eat.
As the ghosts roam spooking everyone,
Kids run around having lots of fun.
Houses look haunted with countless decorations,
As witches stir cauldrons concocting potions.
Vampires change themselves into bats,
As everyone avoids those tabby black cats.
Monsters come out from under the bed and the closets,
Synonymous with mummies as they leave their caskets.
Vampires and Werewolves bring us all fright,
Have a Happy Halloween, if you dare come out at night.
Sunday, 11 October 2015
"A Noble Death" Remembrance Day themed poem - Coming Soon!
It's October 11th, which means we are now exactly one month away from Remembrance Day!
I am very excited for November 11th, because this year for the first time ever I am finally going to officially make one of my most famous poems public.
Five years ago I wrote a poem which was set in World War I. It instantly became very popular with everyone who saw it. As I promised back on May 4th; on Remembrance Day 2015, I will be posting it here on my blog to share with the world.
The poem is called "A Noble Death" and will be revealed publicly for the first time ever, exclusively here on my blog only. Perhaps later on down the road it will appear elsewhere too.
I am very much looking forward to Canada's annual Remembrance Day, and to share this poem with you all! I hope you will enjoy it!
I am very excited for November 11th, because this year for the first time ever I am finally going to officially make one of my most famous poems public.
Five years ago I wrote a poem which was set in World War I. It instantly became very popular with everyone who saw it. As I promised back on May 4th; on Remembrance Day 2015, I will be posting it here on my blog to share with the world.
The poem is called "A Noble Death" and will be revealed publicly for the first time ever, exclusively here on my blog only. Perhaps later on down the road it will appear elsewhere too.
I am very much looking forward to Canada's annual Remembrance Day, and to share this poem with you all! I hope you will enjoy it!
Friday, 18 September 2015
Story Published in "Wherever We Roam" Coming soon!
NEW short story coming soon!
"Wherever We Roam" will be a wonderful paperback/softcover book featuring short stories written by Canadians. I am honoured that my new short story is considered one of the best of the best and will be published as part of this collection.
The collection of short stories is set to be published and released in early December of this year; a great way to celebrate the holidays and end 2015!
I am very excited about this book, and I'm certain this will be a great collection of short stories which I cannot wait to read. I hope everyone will be getting a copy or two, and I hope you will enjoy and have as much fun reading my writing as I did working on it!
Remember, if you would like to get this book it is available exclusively from the Polar Expressions Publishing, and only a limited amount of quantities will ever be printed.
"Wherever We Roam" is now available for pre-order at:!
Today I received some more great and very exciting news! My brand new short story, "Bring Your Pet to School Day" will be published in a brand new book titled, "Wherever We Roam" available exclusively from the Polar Expressions Publishing!
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Image courtesy of Polar Expressions |
"Wherever We Roam" will be a wonderful paperback/softcover book featuring short stories written by Canadians. I am honoured that my new short story is considered one of the best of the best and will be published as part of this collection.
The collection of short stories is set to be published and released in early December of this year; a great way to celebrate the holidays and end 2015!
I am very excited about this book, and I'm certain this will be a great collection of short stories which I cannot wait to read. I hope everyone will be getting a copy or two, and I hope you will enjoy and have as much fun reading my writing as I did working on it!
Remember, if you would like to get this book it is available exclusively from the Polar Expressions Publishing, and only a limited amount of quantities will ever be printed.
"Wherever We Roam" is now available for pre-order at:!
Poem Published in "The Tracery of Trees" Coming soon!
NEW poem coming soon!
Last week, on Thursday September 10, 2015 I received some great news! I am excited to say that my poem "I Am Who I Am" will be published in a book called "The Tracery of Trees" which will be available exclusively from the Poetry Institute of Canada/Young Writers.
"The Tracery of Trees" will be a hardcover book composed of poems by Canadians. Thousands of poems were submitted from all across Canada, and I am very proud that my poem was chosen as one of the "best of the best" to be included in this book. "The Tracery of Trees" will no doubt be a great book filled with lots of wonderful poetry by Canadians, and I can't wait for it's release. A limited number of this book will be printed. It is scheduled to be published and released at sometime in late January 2016!
This is my first time being published by The Poetry Institute of Canada.
I hope you will all be getting a copy or two, and I hope you will enjoy not just my poem, but all the poems of the talented Canadian poets that will be included in this, what is sure to be an amazing, book!
"The Tracery of Trees" is now available for pre-order!
Last week, on Thursday September 10, 2015 I received some great news! I am excited to say that my poem "I Am Who I Am" will be published in a book called "The Tracery of Trees" which will be available exclusively from the Poetry Institute of Canada/Young Writers.
"The Tracery of Trees" will be a hardcover book composed of poems by Canadians. Thousands of poems were submitted from all across Canada, and I am very proud that my poem was chosen as one of the "best of the best" to be included in this book. "The Tracery of Trees" will no doubt be a great book filled with lots of wonderful poetry by Canadians, and I can't wait for it's release. A limited number of this book will be printed. It is scheduled to be published and released at sometime in late January 2016!
This is my first time being published by The Poetry Institute of Canada.
I hope you will all be getting a copy or two, and I hope you will enjoy not just my poem, but all the poems of the talented Canadian poets that will be included in this, what is sure to be an amazing, book!
"The Tracery of Trees" is now available for pre-order!
Wednesday, 9 September 2015
Congratulations to The Queen!
No I didn't write a poem about it, but maybe I will. I just thought I should congratulate her royal majesty Queen Elizabeth II on her huge milestone.
Today marks 63 years since she came to the thrown (1952-2015) at the age of 26, that's 23,226 days of service. Longer than any other monarch in England history and maybe even world history; this will no doubt go down in the history books as a massive event. This is a major accomplishment for Queen Elizabeth II, as she has surpassed the reign of Queen Victoria, her great-great-grandmother (who up until yesterday was the longest reining monarch), and the reigns of all her other predecessors and all the Kings and Queens in her family before her. "Long live the Queen" has held true for Elizabeth II, can she pull off another 63 years? Never say never, anything can happen in this world, and only time will tell. She is only 89 years young, so let's wait and see.
As the now longest reigning sovereign in Canada's modern era, many things have been done here in Canada to mark this historic occasion. The Bank of Canada has released a special 2015 commemorative $20 bill, this banknote was unveiled today, The Royal Canadian Mint has issued a few special commemorative collector coins, and Canada Post has released a Stamp!
Anyway, all in all, a huge congratulations to Queen Elizabeth II!!! Here's to many more!!!
And remember, I did say I might write a poem to celebrate and commemorate this, so make sure to keep a lookout just in case.
Today marks 63 years since she came to the thrown (1952-2015) at the age of 26, that's 23,226 days of service. Longer than any other monarch in England history and maybe even world history; this will no doubt go down in the history books as a massive event. This is a major accomplishment for Queen Elizabeth II, as she has surpassed the reign of Queen Victoria, her great-great-grandmother (who up until yesterday was the longest reining monarch), and the reigns of all her other predecessors and all the Kings and Queens in her family before her. "Long live the Queen" has held true for Elizabeth II, can she pull off another 63 years? Never say never, anything can happen in this world, and only time will tell. She is only 89 years young, so let's wait and see.
As the now longest reigning sovereign in Canada's modern era, many things have been done here in Canada to mark this historic occasion. The Bank of Canada has released a special 2015 commemorative $20 bill, this banknote was unveiled today, The Royal Canadian Mint has issued a few special commemorative collector coins, and Canada Post has released a Stamp!
Anyway, all in all, a huge congratulations to Queen Elizabeth II!!! Here's to many more!!!
And remember, I did say I might write a poem to celebrate and commemorate this, so make sure to keep a lookout just in case.
Friday, 4 September 2015
"Leaves Are Fun" poem
It's September, which means it's that time of the year again where everyone is happy and excited, but also a bit disappointed that it's almost time to return to school. It signals that fall is upon us and the end of summer draws near. Autumn always brings that bittersweet feeling of the end of summer fun and going back to school.
I thought this was the perfect time and occasion to share with you all a poem that I wrote when I was in the third grade. It's not great and doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but please remember I was only eight at the time. It was however good enough to be published in the December 2002 holiday edition of the school news letter! I had written this in October 2002, It was a month after I'd just started grade 3. Enjoy!
I thought this was the perfect time and occasion to share with you all a poem that I wrote when I was in the third grade. It's not great and doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but please remember I was only eight at the time. It was however good enough to be published in the December 2002 holiday edition of the school news letter! I had written this in October 2002, It was a month after I'd just started grade 3. Enjoy!
Leaves Are Fun
By: Vickram Bachan
Leaves are fun
they fall in the rain and in the sun.
They are red, green, orange, yellow
And they make a mess
till you clean them please.
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
Happy Canada Day 2015!
Happy Canada Day everybody!
I hope you all enjoyed my new poem, "Waving Proudly 50 Years Strong" that I posted earlier today!
This years Canada Day is a special one for a few reasons.
- In 2015 Canada celebrates its 148 birthday.
- We celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our wonderful flag!
- It was on this day in 1873 when Prince Edward Island (PEI) joined the Canadian confederation and became a province in Canada.
- On this day in 1980, the inspirational Terry Fox arrived in Ottawa during his historic run. So today we celebrate the 35th anniversary of that.
- We also celebrate the 28th birthday of our Canadian dollar coin! On this day in 1987 the Royal Canadian Mint introduced the Looney. The new loon-dollar coins were used in unison with the $1 bill, until the Bank of Canada began gradually phasing out the one dollar bank notes.
(NOTE: This was actually on June 30, on the eve of Canada day.)
So all in all, today is a big day for milestones in Canada and Canadian history! Once again, Happy 1st of July Canada! Enjoy the festivities across the country, have fun, and most of all stay safe!
I hope you all enjoyed my new poem, "Waving Proudly 50 Years Strong" that I posted earlier today!
This years Canada Day is a special one for a few reasons.
- In 2015 Canada celebrates its 148 birthday.
- We celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our wonderful flag!
- It was on this day in 1873 when Prince Edward Island (PEI) joined the Canadian confederation and became a province in Canada.
- On this day in 1980, the inspirational Terry Fox arrived in Ottawa during his historic run. So today we celebrate the 35th anniversary of that.
- We also celebrate the 28th birthday of our Canadian dollar coin! On this day in 1987 the Royal Canadian Mint introduced the Looney. The new loon-dollar coins were used in unison with the $1 bill, until the Bank of Canada began gradually phasing out the one dollar bank notes.
(NOTE: This was actually on June 30, on the eve of Canada day.)
So all in all, today is a big day for milestones in Canada and Canadian history! Once again, Happy 1st of July Canada! Enjoy the festivities across the country, have fun, and most of all stay safe!
"Waving Proudly 50 Years Strong" Happy Canada Day 2015!
Happy Canada Day 2015 everyone!
I hope you will enjoy this poem! Also, don't be shy to show your patriotism for Canada today!
This years Canada Day is a special one as we celebrate our flags fiftieth anniversary!
It's now been fifty years, since our flag was unveiled,
At global events we cheer, so it can be the one that prevailed.
The red and white blowing majestically in the wind,
or displayed proudly wherever it's pinned.
With a red maple leaf in the center of it all,
Our flag will always stand proud and tall.
It represents a vibrant mosaic of all people's and cultures,
A place of acceptance, a place that always nurtures.
A growing community of all races and kinds,
Displaying us as one, a nation that binds.
Equality, democracy, freedom, and peace,
Canada is a close to perfect masterpiece.
All characters and personalities are welcomed here,
The only thing Canadians are scared of is fear.
Opportunities await in a land that always thrives,
We are fueled by our passions and our drives.
No matter what differences we all might share,
Canada is a proud country that will always care.
In 2015 we celebrate our national flags 50th anniversary,
It's the symbol of us proud Canadians; we stand on guard for thee!
I hope you will enjoy this poem! Also, don't be shy to show your patriotism for Canada today!
This years Canada Day is a special one as we celebrate our flags fiftieth anniversary!
Waving Proudly 50 Years Strong
By: Vickram Bachan
It's now been fifty years, since our flag was unveiled,
At global events we cheer, so it can be the one that prevailed.
The red and white blowing majestically in the wind,
or displayed proudly wherever it's pinned.
With a red maple leaf in the center of it all,
Our flag will always stand proud and tall.
It represents a vibrant mosaic of all people's and cultures,
A place of acceptance, a place that always nurtures.
A growing community of all races and kinds,
Displaying us as one, a nation that binds.
Equality, democracy, freedom, and peace,
Canada is a close to perfect masterpiece.
All characters and personalities are welcomed here,
The only thing Canadians are scared of is fear.
Opportunities await in a land that always thrives,
We are fueled by our passions and our drives.
No matter what differences we all might share,
Canada is a proud country that will always care.
In 2015 we celebrate our national flags 50th anniversary,
It's the symbol of us proud Canadians; we stand on guard for thee!
Monday, 29 June 2015
Coming soon: Canada Day poem!
This year, Canada is proudly celebrating the 50th anniversary of our beloved Canadian flag!
In honour of this milestone for our great nation, I will be posting a poem on Canada Day to commemorate this special anniversary as our flag turns half a century old!
2015 marks 50 years for Canada's flag; I've been working on this poem which I hope everyone will enjoy. But, I've also started working on another special one.
2017 will mark the 150th anniversary for Canada itself! So, on Canada Day in 2017 I will be posting a poem that will not only celebrate Canada, but commemorate its sesquicentennial! I've already come up with some ideas for it. I can't wait to finish and share it with you all in 2 years time; but for the time being, you still have the one I will be posting this year to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Canada's flag to look forward to!
In honour of this milestone for our great nation, I will be posting a poem on Canada Day to commemorate this special anniversary as our flag turns half a century old!
2015 marks 50 years for Canada's flag; I've been working on this poem which I hope everyone will enjoy. But, I've also started working on another special one.
2017 will mark the 150th anniversary for Canada itself! So, on Canada Day in 2017 I will be posting a poem that will not only celebrate Canada, but commemorate its sesquicentennial! I've already come up with some ideas for it. I can't wait to finish and share it with you all in 2 years time; but for the time being, you still have the one I will be posting this year to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Canada's flag to look forward to!
Monday, 4 May 2015
Poems of Remembrace Day
Yesterday, on Sunday May 3, 2015 the world celebrated the 100th anniversary of the day John McCrae wrote the poem "In Flanders Field" during World War I and the Second Battle of Ypres.
To mark the special occasion we even got commemorative coins and stamps from The Royal Canadian Mint and Canada Post, as they released some awesome silver coins and stamps, in celebration of the famous piece of poetry.
Well coincidently it was around this time of year in 2010 that I wrote a Remembrance Day themed poem of my own. It's called, "A Noble Death" and it became quite popular with my friends family and the people around me who've seen it. Today I am happy to announce that the poem will officially be made public when I post it right here on my blog for all of you to see! The poem will fittingly be revealed on this years Remembrance Day on Wednesday November 11, 2015. Mark your calendars!
To mark the special occasion we even got commemorative coins and stamps from The Royal Canadian Mint and Canada Post, as they released some awesome silver coins and stamps, in celebration of the famous piece of poetry.
Well coincidently it was around this time of year in 2010 that I wrote a Remembrance Day themed poem of my own. It's called, "A Noble Death" and it became quite popular with my friends family and the people around me who've seen it. Today I am happy to announce that the poem will officially be made public when I post it right here on my blog for all of you to see! The poem will fittingly be revealed on this years Remembrance Day on Wednesday November 11, 2015. Mark your calendars!
Monday, 6 April 2015
Second Easter poem: "The Bunny's Job and the Eggs"
Here is the second of the two Easter poems! Enjoy, and Happy Easter!
The Bunny's Job and the Eggs
By: Vickram Bachan
It's that time of the year, when the Easter bunny come hopping along,
he leaves Easter eggs hidden everywhere, but to whom will they belong?
Children go hunting to find as many as they can,
searching this way and that as they all ran.
Trying to fill their baskets right up to the rim,
they look from morning until the light gets dim.
Whoever finds the most eggs is declared the winner and awarded the grand prize,
a beautiful and delicious chocolate bunny, usually of substantial size.
The holiday long weekend is spent with family and friends,
Easter is celebrated with loved ones, until the late hours descends.
As the older ones say their prayers, and the young ones eat too much chocolate,
Easter now comes to an end, and the next holiday awaits.
The Easter bunny retires for the year, after a job well done,
he hops away happily, knowing everyone had fun.
Twelve months later he returns once more, as the time has yet again come,
as spring is back, more chocolate eggs are left, just as the plants are in blossom.
Sunday, 5 April 2015
Happy Easter long weekend, and update on poems!
I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend and having a great time!
I also hope everyone has enjoyed the first of the two Easter poems. One was posted a couple days ago on Good Friday, and as promised, the other will be posted a little later on! To kill the time, maybe you could have some fun re-reading the first one!
I hope everyone is able to be with family, friends, and loved ones, and is able to spend some quality time on this holiday! Enjoy the poems!
I also hope everyone has enjoyed the first of the two Easter poems. One was posted a couple days ago on Good Friday, and as promised, the other will be posted a little later on! To kill the time, maybe you could have some fun re-reading the first one!
I hope everyone is able to be with family, friends, and loved ones, and is able to spend some quality time on this holiday! Enjoy the poems!
Friday, 3 April 2015
First of two Easter Poems: "The True Meaning of Easter"
Here is the first of two Easter poems, I just finished them. I hope everyone has a Happy Good Friday!
The True Meaning of Easter
By: Vickram Bachan
It starts on Good Friday, the beginning of the long weekend,
and Easter follows closely with the prayers that we send.
All we can do is thank Him for everything He's done,
over everything evil, the good will always have won!
We must also thank Him for all that he will do, for with Him nothing is possible,
this holiday is to not only celebrate, but to also commemorate His revival.
The Last Supper for Him, was the first one for us,
because of His sacrifice we may eat freely thus.
His gift of freedom is precious to us, and His sacrifice unrepayable,
He died for us all, and His mercy is undeniable.
With each nail driven, He felt all the pain,
He was crucified on the cross for us, now let it not be in vein.
With every drop of Holy blood spilt, our sins were forgiven,
His love for us is great. He has risen!
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Coming soon, Easter poems!
For the past two weeks I've been working on a couple of Easter poems. I am happy to say that they are almost done! Are they good? I'll let you be the judge of that. I am happy and proud of them, and I can't wait to share them with you!
They will be posted at different times, the first one will be revealed on Good Friday (Friday April 3, 2015). The other will be revealed on Easter (either on Sunday April 5 or Monday April 6 2015).
I am excited for you all to see them!
They will be posted at different times, the first one will be revealed on Good Friday (Friday April 3, 2015). The other will be revealed on Easter (either on Sunday April 5 or Monday April 6 2015).
I am excited for you all to see them!
Saturday, 28 February 2015
End of February 2015
I had promised one more Black History Month themed poem before the end of the month.
Instead, I will be posting it before the end of NEXT February. So I will be saving it for Black History Month in 2016!
For now, I shall move on to other themes and subjects. So what will I be writing about and posting for the next 12 months? Stay tuned and you will find out soon!
In the mean time and in between time, feel free to re-read and enjoy poems that are already here so far!
Instead, I will be posting it before the end of NEXT February. So I will be saving it for Black History Month in 2016!
For now, I shall move on to other themes and subjects. So what will I be writing about and posting for the next 12 months? Stay tuned and you will find out soon!
In the mean time and in between time, feel free to re-read and enjoy poems that are already here so far!
Thursday, 19 February 2015
Happy Family Day "A True Family"
I know this is a few days late, the Family Day holiday was this week on Monday February 16, 2015.
Here is a poem I came up with this week for the annual occasion. Sorry for the bit of lateness. Enjoy!
"Family Day" is a holiday to celebrate family,
But what is family? It's caring and loving each other equally.
A day to celebrate with the ones we love most,
And remember those both living and ghost.
We spend the day with the ones that care,
And together we think of those who can't be there.
Family are people who're always there when we need them most,
Today it is to them whom we shall toast.
You see, friends too are our family,
Mankind is a brotherhood, and we should appreciate them gladly.
We recollect old memories and the moments we shared,
And reminisce about the people that always cared.
Family can extend and grow beyond a tree,
Family is forever, and that's how it always should be.
Here is a poem I came up with this week for the annual occasion. Sorry for the bit of lateness. Enjoy!
A True Family
By: Vickram Bachan
"Family Day" is a holiday to celebrate family,
But what is family? It's caring and loving each other equally.
A day to celebrate with the ones we love most,
And remember those both living and ghost.
We spend the day with the ones that care,
And together we think of those who can't be there.
Family are people who're always there when we need them most,
Today it is to them whom we shall toast.
You see, friends too are our family,
Mankind is a brotherhood, and we should appreciate them gladly.
We recollect old memories and the moments we shared,
And reminisce about the people that always cared.
Family can extend and grow beyond a tree,
Family is forever, and that's how it always should be.
Saturday, 14 February 2015
R.I.P - A Death Themed Poem - "The Wonderful Afterlife"
I know people die everyday; but several people I know have lost loved ones lately. I hear of people losing friends and family, which is freaky enough as it is, but to hear of so many deaths in such a short amount time is quite unsettling and alarming.
Just this past week alone, many people I know at work have lost a parent(s). This is a poem I wrote sometime between late 2010 and early 2011. It feels like a fitting time to post and share it, and I hope it will find everyone dealing with the loss of a loved one some comfort in this difficult time.
Death is but a friend
we have never met,
and when he finally comes knocking on our door,
we must depart this world
and follow him.
Although we are missed,
we are not really gone.
We have merely moved to another world
and left everything behind.
Though our bodies will decay
our spirits linger on
and our memories will forever be remembered,
because love is immortal.
Just this past week alone, many people I know at work have lost a parent(s). This is a poem I wrote sometime between late 2010 and early 2011. It feels like a fitting time to post and share it, and I hope it will find everyone dealing with the loss of a loved one some comfort in this difficult time.
The Wonderful Afterlife
By: Vickram Bachan
Death is but a friend
we have never met,
and when he finally comes knocking on our door,
we must depart this world
and follow him.
Although we are missed,
we are not really gone.
We have merely moved to another world
and left everything behind.
Though our bodies will decay
our spirits linger on
and our memories will forever be remembered,
because love is immortal.
Happy Valentines Day! "My Hearts Secret Desire"
In November 2010 someone suggested that I write a Valentines themed poem. I've never really liked the idea if writing about that theme nor do I even care for the holiday (if you can call it a holiday, since we don't get the day off), but in the end I decided to try it. I think this was one of the best ones I came up with, I wrote it somewhere between late 2012 and early 2013. I've also recently received a few requests for a Valentines themed poem, I wasn't sure if I wanted to post one, but here it is by popular demand. Enjoy!
Special people like you are hard to find,
I wrote this poem with you in mind.
If only you knew how I felt, but you haven't a clue,
I love you, but do you love me too?
I love you because you're so beautiful and kind,
To not love you, I would have to be blind.
You hardly know I exist and I don't know what to do,
I just want you to love me the way I love you.
You are my one and only hearts desire,
With lots of love, from your secret admire.
My Hearts Secret Desire
By: Vickram Bachan
Special people like you are hard to find,
I wrote this poem with you in mind.
If only you knew how I felt, but you haven't a clue,
I love you, but do you love me too?
I love you because you're so beautiful and kind,
To not love you, I would have to be blind.
You hardly know I exist and I don't know what to do,
I just want you to love me the way I love you.
You are my one and only hearts desire,
With lots of love, from your secret admire.
Helpful Writing Tip!
If you're a writer like me and sometimes you want to write about a specific topic but don't know what to do or how to start, this is what you can try.
They say that all ideas have to come from somewhere. They also say that a writer is only as good as their own experiences. These sayings are not always true, sometimes if you are lucky you might get an idea from out of nowhere, it'll just pop right into your head.
But sometimes if you want to write about a special topic but have no idea what exactly to write about or how you should go about writing it because you have no experiences in that particular area, this is what I do; and it seems to work for me.
Put yourself in someone else's shoes and try to see things from their point of view. Looking at things from the perspective of say a character from a book or movie and trying to understand what they might be going through or feeling can help a lot. Try to pretend you are that person and in that sense, write about yourself (as that person) through that other persons eyes.
I hope this makes sense to you and will help!
They say that all ideas have to come from somewhere. They also say that a writer is only as good as their own experiences. These sayings are not always true, sometimes if you are lucky you might get an idea from out of nowhere, it'll just pop right into your head.
But sometimes if you want to write about a special topic but have no idea what exactly to write about or how you should go about writing it because you have no experiences in that particular area, this is what I do; and it seems to work for me.
Put yourself in someone else's shoes and try to see things from their point of view. Looking at things from the perspective of say a character from a book or movie and trying to understand what they might be going through or feeling can help a lot. Try to pretend you are that person and in that sense, write about yourself (as that person) through that other persons eyes.
I hope this makes sense to you and will help!
Sunday, 8 February 2015
The inspiration behind my poem "I Am Who I Am"
I hope you all liked that poem, "I Am Who I Am" I feel it's something every human being can relate to. Everybody is criticized for something. No one is perfect, people come in all shapes and sizes. We are all smart in different ways, and we each have different and/or similar strengths. I've had to deal with people who will ignore all your good qualities and strengths and just focus on the weak ones. People need to stop trying to change everyone else into what they want them to be.
You shouldn't mess with the flow of things, never change something that works. Sure it's good to try different things and have new experiences, but you should never have change for the sake of having change! It's not always good to mess with the status quo.
If a person is comfortable, why does everyone else have to make them uncomfortable? There are lines no one should ever cross; sure it's great to want to get involved and help people out, but at some point and to a certain extent people need to know when to back off and mind their own business. Don't invade other peoples lives and try to change them. Some people are loud, some are quite; some people are tall, some are short; some people are fat, some are skinny; some people have long hair and some have short hair. And of course there are some things we cannot change even if we wanted to, some people are black, and some are white etc...
Everyone likes different things, and every individual finds solace in their own way; I don't know why people like to get on others' cases for these things. People seriously need to leave each other alone sometimes! Another thing is that people learn and do things at their own paces, it's never good to push people too much, because you end up pushing them too far, and the results can be terrible sometimes. Treat others the way you would want to be treated, because what goes around comes around. If a person is happy in one spot for their whole entire life, don't push them to another, if they want to leave their comfort zone(s) it should be their decision and not your, it's none of your business to be butting in.
I've always hated people that are bullies, especially the ones in a position of authority that enjoy and love to abuse their power. Never let bullies have an effect on you, it can only be negative, don't listen to them and don't ever let them change what you think about yourself. Every single bully turns out to be a coward and a hypocrite. So ignore people who are bullies; and for the love of God please don't be a bully yourself!
Other people can't know or decide what is best for you, and they shouldn't. Only you should decide and can know what is best for you. We need to know what is best for ourselves and stop worrying about other people. If people don't mind your business and get into your personal life, don't mind or get into theirs without their permission.
You know, if you can do something that would make someone else's day, week, month, year, or even their life easier and more convenient, you should do it, especially if it doesn't cost you anything.
There is too much negativity in the world, some people need to try being more positive and stop making other peoples lives miserable; because when you die every single thing is left behind, our awesome resumes, our collections, our clothes, our savings, houses, cars, everything. Everything except our deeds, both good and bad. The only thing we take with us is what we've done in life and this world; and if you were a selfish jerk just trying to control everyone and everything and always wanting everything to be your own way, and treating other people like garbage, then the only thing that will be remembered of you is your idiotic negativity. We should live life to it's fullest and do things that we enjoy and make us happy (as long as it's legal), and allow everyone else to do the same, because when it's gone, it's gone. We only live once!
No matter who you are, or who you think you are, this is what I have to say. Don't be biased, don't show favouritism, don't be disrespectful, don't be racist, don't discriminate; and you will end up in Heaven and not the other place. Always be honest, honesty is the best quality, the truth shall always set you free. You can lie if you want, but it won't help you for long, because the truth always comes out in the end. Show equality, fairness, and peace. Every human being should be treated equally, that's what democracy is for. Canada is a free country, as citizens we are entitled to freedom of speech and expression. If what someone says does not hurt you, or if what they are saying is the truth, then you have absolutely no right to shut them up or to tell them to. We're allowed to voice our opinions and concerns (like I am doing right now).
My point is, not everyone can be perfect at everything. There is no such thing as the perfect human being. I hate when people tell other people you need to work on this and you need to work on that, not everyone can have or be perfect in every skill. Forcing people to change or do things they don't want to or are not ready to do won't make them feel better or happier, and it certainly won't make you feel any better or happier. We are all entitled to freedom and we should allow one another to have it!
So to all you critics, haters, and changers out there, GET OVER YOURSELVES!!!!
You shouldn't mess with the flow of things, never change something that works. Sure it's good to try different things and have new experiences, but you should never have change for the sake of having change! It's not always good to mess with the status quo.
If a person is comfortable, why does everyone else have to make them uncomfortable? There are lines no one should ever cross; sure it's great to want to get involved and help people out, but at some point and to a certain extent people need to know when to back off and mind their own business. Don't invade other peoples lives and try to change them. Some people are loud, some are quite; some people are tall, some are short; some people are fat, some are skinny; some people have long hair and some have short hair. And of course there are some things we cannot change even if we wanted to, some people are black, and some are white etc...
Everyone likes different things, and every individual finds solace in their own way; I don't know why people like to get on others' cases for these things. People seriously need to leave each other alone sometimes! Another thing is that people learn and do things at their own paces, it's never good to push people too much, because you end up pushing them too far, and the results can be terrible sometimes. Treat others the way you would want to be treated, because what goes around comes around. If a person is happy in one spot for their whole entire life, don't push them to another, if they want to leave their comfort zone(s) it should be their decision and not your, it's none of your business to be butting in.
I've always hated people that are bullies, especially the ones in a position of authority that enjoy and love to abuse their power. Never let bullies have an effect on you, it can only be negative, don't listen to them and don't ever let them change what you think about yourself. Every single bully turns out to be a coward and a hypocrite. So ignore people who are bullies; and for the love of God please don't be a bully yourself!
Other people can't know or decide what is best for you, and they shouldn't. Only you should decide and can know what is best for you. We need to know what is best for ourselves and stop worrying about other people. If people don't mind your business and get into your personal life, don't mind or get into theirs without their permission.
You know, if you can do something that would make someone else's day, week, month, year, or even their life easier and more convenient, you should do it, especially if it doesn't cost you anything.
There is too much negativity in the world, some people need to try being more positive and stop making other peoples lives miserable; because when you die every single thing is left behind, our awesome resumes, our collections, our clothes, our savings, houses, cars, everything. Everything except our deeds, both good and bad. The only thing we take with us is what we've done in life and this world; and if you were a selfish jerk just trying to control everyone and everything and always wanting everything to be your own way, and treating other people like garbage, then the only thing that will be remembered of you is your idiotic negativity. We should live life to it's fullest and do things that we enjoy and make us happy (as long as it's legal), and allow everyone else to do the same, because when it's gone, it's gone. We only live once!
No matter who you are, or who you think you are, this is what I have to say. Don't be biased, don't show favouritism, don't be disrespectful, don't be racist, don't discriminate; and you will end up in Heaven and not the other place. Always be honest, honesty is the best quality, the truth shall always set you free. You can lie if you want, but it won't help you for long, because the truth always comes out in the end. Show equality, fairness, and peace. Every human being should be treated equally, that's what democracy is for. Canada is a free country, as citizens we are entitled to freedom of speech and expression. If what someone says does not hurt you, or if what they are saying is the truth, then you have absolutely no right to shut them up or to tell them to. We're allowed to voice our opinions and concerns (like I am doing right now).
My point is, not everyone can be perfect at everything. There is no such thing as the perfect human being. I hate when people tell other people you need to work on this and you need to work on that, not everyone can have or be perfect in every skill. Forcing people to change or do things they don't want to or are not ready to do won't make them feel better or happier, and it certainly won't make you feel any better or happier. We are all entitled to freedom and we should allow one another to have it!
So to all you critics, haters, and changers out there, GET OVER YOURSELVES!!!!
"I Am Who I Am" poem
Last week I promised I'd post another poem this week, and here it is! Enjoy!
This is a poem I wrote last year and it was based on and inspired by events that took place while I was in high school. I went through a lot, and a lot of people, not all but a lot of them (both staff and fellow students) gave me quite a hard time. These words were how I felt. This poem is not just for Black History Month, but something that everyone can relate to in everyday life!
This is a poem I wrote last year and it was based on and inspired by events that took place while I was in high school. I went through a lot, and a lot of people, not all but a lot of them (both staff and fellow students) gave me quite a hard time. These words were how I felt. This poem is not just for Black History Month, but something that everyone can relate to in everyday life!
I Am Who I Am
By: Vickram Bachan
Stop trying to change my personality,
Just accept me for who I'm meant to be.
I was born in a country that is free,
Canada is all about democracy.
If everybody were the same, the world would be a very boring place,
We are all different, that's why everyone has their own face.
I am what I am, and I'm going to be me,
I will not change to make others happy.
I won't act different to please everyone else,
I will always continue to just be myself.
If I'm comfortable with myself, then who are you to judge?
The Almighty above made me special, so don't you dare hold a grudge!
Hate me for who I am, but don't love me for something I am not,
If you want to make fun, then give me give me everything you've got.
Sure, I could change, but I wouldn't even want to try,
When I look in a mirror the reflection would lie.
I'll live my life the way I want and stay on track,
If I sold my soul I could never buy it back.
Life is about choices; it's up to us to make the right ones,
I will be myself, do what I want, and stick to my guns.
People will always judge me, no matter what,
I will do my own thing, and follow my heart and my gut.
So please don't try to change my personality,
Love me for who I am and always will be.
I hope you all liked that! Stay tuned for one more Black History Month themed poem; it'll be posted before the end of February!
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
"Who We Are: We are One" (second version)
Back in 2013, about a week or so after I wrote the original, I had some ideas and this came to me.
So, enjoy this second and slightly different version of "Who We Are: We are One".
[Click Here to read the 1st version]
So, enjoy this second and slightly different version of "Who We Are: We are One".
[Click Here to read the 1st version]
Who We Are: We are One (2nd version)
By: Vickram Bachan
The colour of our skin is clear to us, it is in black and white,
We are all humans, so why all the spite?
We need to be proud of ourselves and one another,
Our skin is like a suit that displays personality and character.
We are who we are for very special reasons,
We are the way we are and this is what we are given.
We are meant to be the way we are,
Each of us a sparkling, watery star.
Together, the human race makes a vibrant rainbow,
And when looked at from the heavens, we shine and glow.
Without peace that rainbow dies with silent woes,
For what racism does, I hope everybody knows.
We criticize the outside, seeing white, black, yellow, brown and more,
And we judge without understanding what lies beneath the pores.
Everyone's blood is red, the colour of life and death,
Though our true inner colours haven't been discovered yet.
We need to be proud of ourselves and one another,
Our skin is like a suit that displays personality and character.
We are who we are for very special reasons,
We are the way we are and this is what we are given.
We are meant to be the way we are,
Each of us a sparkling, watery star.
Together, the human race makes a vibrant rainbow,
And when looked at from the heavens, we shine and glow.
Without peace that rainbow dies with silent woes,
For what racism does, I hope everybody knows.
We criticize the outside, seeing white, black, yellow, brown and more,
And we judge without understanding what lies beneath the pores.
Everyone's blood is red, the colour of life and death,
Though our true inner colours haven't been discovered yet.
Sunday, 1 February 2015
Black History Month themed poem, "Who We Are: We are One"
It's February, and there is a lot happening this month. For one thing it's Black History Month and to kick things off, here is a poem I wrote back in 2013! It's an anti-racist poem.
As promised, I will be posting a few poems this month, this is the first. There will be another one coming next week! Enjoy everyone!
Our skin is black our skin is white,
But we are all humans, so why all the spite?
We need to be proud of ourselves and one another,
The skin we are in suits our personality and character.
We are who we are for a very special reason,
We are the way we are because that's what we were given.
We were meant to be the way we are,
The Almighty made each of us an individual star.
Together, the human race makes a wonderful rainbow,
And when looked at from the heavens we shine and glow.
But without peace that rainbow dies with silent woes,
For what racism does to us, nobody will ever know.
We criticize the outside seeing White Black Yellow Brown and more,
And judge without understanding what lies beneath the pores.
Everyone's blood is red; the colour of life and death,
Though our true inner colours haven't been discovered yet.
Hope you all enjoyed that. Stay tuned for more coming soon!
As promised, I will be posting a few poems this month, this is the first. There will be another one coming next week! Enjoy everyone!
Who We Are: We are One
By: Vickram Bachan
Our skin is black our skin is white,
But we are all humans, so why all the spite?
We need to be proud of ourselves and one another,
The skin we are in suits our personality and character.
We are who we are for a very special reason,
We are the way we are because that's what we were given.
We were meant to be the way we are,
The Almighty made each of us an individual star.
Together, the human race makes a wonderful rainbow,
And when looked at from the heavens we shine and glow.
But without peace that rainbow dies with silent woes,
For what racism does to us, nobody will ever know.
We criticize the outside seeing White Black Yellow Brown and more,
And judge without understanding what lies beneath the pores.
Everyone's blood is red; the colour of life and death,
Though our true inner colours haven't been discovered yet.
Hope you all enjoyed that. Stay tuned for more coming soon!
Saturday, 24 January 2015
Poems coming next month - About February themes!
I will be posting a few poems next month. There is always a lot happening in February, and there are lots of good themes. One of the things happening next month is Black History Month, and I will be posting a couple of poems I did a few years ago that I think are fitting for that theme!
The focus of the poems are about people being who they are, and about anti-racism. These have always been topics that are close to me and I feel very strongly about them. I think these topics affect everyone to some degree; whether you are a victim of bullying, or if you feel insecure about who you are, everyone faces or deals with racism and criticism in some form or fashion.
You should never change your interests or anything else about yourself just to make other people happy, no matter who they are, or who they think they are.
Don't ever sell yourself out! Keep the personality you have, it's who you're meant to be! People can either love you for who you are, or they can go to hell!
Let people hate you for everything you are, but don't ever let them love you for something you are not. Never sell yourself out, it's not worth it, it takes up too much time and energy. It's far better off to just be yourself!
If there is only one piece of advice that anyone ever takes from me, let it be this one!
You can't please everyone, no matter what you do or how you act, there will always be someone there to judge, criticize, and find something to do or say; so you might as well just be who you already are and do whatever you want.
Just like snowflakes, no two humans are exactly alike, not even twins. We may all share similar qualities and have common aims and interests, but we all have some small difference about ourselves, and that is what makes the world so great and keeps the universe so interesting. If everybody was the same the world would be a very boring place, but luckily we are not all the same, we each have our own face and we are all individuals as we are meant to be. Love yourselves as you are and don't ever change for anybody.
In some cases, when you sellout you get paid off in some way. But that pay off is really not worth losing your soul. Don't sell your soul!
I hope you will enjoy the poems when they are posted next month, and as always, I hope you will all have as much fun reading them as I did writing them!
And most of all, I hope everyone will be able to take something away and find some courage after reading them!
The focus of the poems are about people being who they are, and about anti-racism. These have always been topics that are close to me and I feel very strongly about them. I think these topics affect everyone to some degree; whether you are a victim of bullying, or if you feel insecure about who you are, everyone faces or deals with racism and criticism in some form or fashion.
You should never change your interests or anything else about yourself just to make other people happy, no matter who they are, or who they think they are.
Don't ever sell yourself out! Keep the personality you have, it's who you're meant to be! People can either love you for who you are, or they can go to hell!
Let people hate you for everything you are, but don't ever let them love you for something you are not. Never sell yourself out, it's not worth it, it takes up too much time and energy. It's far better off to just be yourself!
If there is only one piece of advice that anyone ever takes from me, let it be this one!
You can't please everyone, no matter what you do or how you act, there will always be someone there to judge, criticize, and find something to do or say; so you might as well just be who you already are and do whatever you want.
Just like snowflakes, no two humans are exactly alike, not even twins. We may all share similar qualities and have common aims and interests, but we all have some small difference about ourselves, and that is what makes the world so great and keeps the universe so interesting. If everybody was the same the world would be a very boring place, but luckily we are not all the same, we each have our own face and we are all individuals as we are meant to be. Love yourselves as you are and don't ever change for anybody.
In some cases, when you sellout you get paid off in some way. But that pay off is really not worth losing your soul. Don't sell your soul!
I hope you will enjoy the poems when they are posted next month, and as always, I hope you will all have as much fun reading them as I did writing them!
And most of all, I hope everyone will be able to take something away and find some courage after reading them!
Friday, 2 January 2015
Happy New Year! Goodbye 2014 Hello 2015!
Happy New Year everyone!
As we say farewell to 2014, we welcome in 2015. I hope you will enjoy this poem I did for New Years and I hope that everyone who reads it will be able to take something away from it. Have a great year everyone, and remember to never stop having fun! Life is too short, so live each day like it's the last and live life to it's fullest!
Resolutions and Revolutions
By: Vickram Bachan
a brand new one is beginning to dawn.
Yesterday is over and today is a new day,
tomorrow may be a blur, but let nothing stand in your way.
While another year has gone by, old memories are not dead,
new memories are added, and we wait to see what lies ahead.
Resolutions are made and goals are set,
make your dreams come true, and this the best year yet.
Keep the promises you made to others and yourself,
don't push your ambitions aside or leave them on the shelf.
Always remember and never forget,
you control your destiny, and your fortunes will be met.
Never give up, and never back down,
to get to the stars, you must start from the ground.
Conquer all obstacles and every road block,
don't ever stop trying, there's always time on the clock.
Accomplish the impossible, and prove everyone wrong,
never stop fighting and always stay strong.
Welcome new challenges and defeat them all,
always be yourself, and this will be the year you stand tall.
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